Every Man Dies Alone

Optimistic readers should pay attention not only to the location where the events took place, but also to the title of the book. The emphasis is on word “alone”. Everyone dies alone. Everyone dies. But Otto and Anna does not have to die. They could survive, continuing their quiet life, working Otto, keeping a modest household Anna, almost without communication with their neighbors, economy, humility and constancy. But dying the only and beloved son, and has long been sneaking suspicion about the unrighteousness of war and Hitler’s crime policy takes the form of confidence and conviction. And now Berlin to Otto and Anna is not native and favorite city, and, above all, a place of feat, quiet modest feat, that maybe saved nobody, that maybe nothing changed, but which approved the humanism and humanity once again, and already it is so important and beautiful. Fallada’s style is simple, clear, realistic and it is very good in the “Little man” of the early thirties, but in this last novel, it is simply brilliant. When the choice is made, its consequences are inevitable, and not everyone can be proud meet adequately the consequences of their own choices with pride and dignity. Otto and Anna met, and this is also an important lesson of this beautiful novel, that showed the strength and wisdom and human dignity, qualities, that are excellent at all times, and especially in times of great upheaval.
“Every Man Dies Alone” is quite difficult novel to read, not only due to themes, but also due to the chosen composition. The front is somewhere far away, but here is a war too. At the same time, in every chapter there is something completely domestic, simple, like war it is something not about this world at all. Each character is important for the novel. Someone will survive, someone will be able to survive, someone will lose something when someone will find. Exactly due to the domestic atmosphere it is rather interesting to read the novel. I was also impressed with the atmosphere of fear from this book that for a long time. It seems to me, that at such gloomy time everyone should make his own choice – to be on the side of good or on the side of evil. Those who are on the side of evil will live easily. Until a certain moment, when the awakened conscience will spoil the rest of their lives. Or when they just will be killed. In any case, constant fear will make them insane. Those who are on the side of good, will live hard, they will be alone. But their conscience will be clear.